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HELP IF YOU KNOW ABOUT ETSY? - Printable Version

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HELP IF YOU KNOW ABOUT ETSY? - Stephanie - 04-08-2014 07:49 PM

Hi. So i ordered this dress on etsy for 75$ + shipping

Is it safe that I bought this? I used a credit card....

If it isn't, please help me... It looked all real and genuine to me.. Thoughts?
I mean like, is the seller going to mess with the credit car I pay with or something? That's all I'm afraid of... :/

- Jake - 04-08-2014 07:55 PM

Your dealing with individual sellers, so results can vary, you can lookup the previous items they have sold, a previous history is a big plus.

I assume the credit card was processed by Etsy, which should be safe, Paypal or Credit cards are really best for such purchases, in the clear cut event of non delivery you should get a chargeback refund eventually.

The most common disappoint might be getting something bought from China and not actually crafted by the seller.

That's obviously a commercial product professionally photographed, beware a number of Chinese makers steal designer catalog photos for their sales pages but deliver something different.

With Google image search by example you can find many other sites showing that same photograph, like this

- Mike O - 04-08-2014 08:00 PM

your safe with credit card , using paypal is safest for online transactions on etsy, ebay and yorbin