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How to publish my website online? - Printable Version

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How to publish my website online? - Music McLover - 04-08-2014 07:50 PM

I edit my website using html online text. It's not the best looking site lol. What do I do to publish my website? Where do I go to custom my own url address as well?

Thank you very much. All stars Smile

- James - 04-08-2014 07:55 PM

To publish your website online you are going to need a webhost (easy way ) or a server (hard way) to host your website. The best webhosts const but there are many free ones ( to find a good 1 have a look at this )

You are also going to need a domain name ( a domain name is something like ) most domain names cost however you can get some free domain names for example .tk names are free and names are also free.

then you need to upload all of your sites files to the webhost and point your new domain name to your webhost ( this allows anyone's computer to know where to find your website when the go to your domain name)

i hope this all makes sense if you need any more help or want me to explain anything feel free to contact me via this form

good luck with your website

EDIT: you will need a webhost with Custom File hosting and you dont want ads. THe free host i use that isn't mentioned on the list there is

to get a .com or something similar you should shop around s their are many sites that sell them all for different prices to find the just search for buy .com domain name

- Abhijit - 04-08-2014 08:01 PM

I will try to keep things simple. Simply follow these steps -

1) Search for any hosting provider online (for example
2) They will ask to register a domain name first (You will see it on their home page itself)
3) Choose a best hosting plan. Start with basic one.
4) you will receive login details once you make payment.
5) Log into the control panel or FTP using the username and password provided and upload the html files to the pointed location. THATS IT!

Hope it helps...

- Andrew - 04-08-2014 08:02 PM

I get one here free host and free domain for first year

- Giuseppe - 04-08-2014 08:04 PM

HI if you want, you can try to create a site with free hosting. Its

Here you can find some guides step by step

- Vincent - 04-08-2014 08:08 PM

You need to follow these given things to publish your site :

1.Choose a domain name
2.Hire web hosting
3.Check if your domain is available
4.Register your domain name
5.Point your domain name servers to your hosting account
6.Upload your website files to your server