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Marketing small construction business? - Printable Version

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Marketing small construction business? - Erick - 04-08-2014 07:50 PM

im a trying to get more jobs for my small construction company and i wanted to see what would be the best way to get more jobs for my company. so far the only thing i do is go house to house and deliver my flyers on their doors and craigslist. i only receive a few calls about quotes and i barley land any contracts. what are other ways to market my company and get more contracts. if you were in my position what would you do next.

also please look at my website and let me know what you would add and what you would remove. thanks for your feedback.

- tommyfourth - 04-08-2014 07:51 PM

Your website is good...but general.

Here is what I would do. I realize you can do just about anything in construction, but I would start out at least by making a page or site dedicated to one specific thing. For example: Decks. I had a friend advertise for just decks and did a killer business.

The reason is that people when they are looking for a specific thing what the best and want someone that specializes. Trying to scoop up all the business makes you look like a jack of all trades, master of none.

That doesn't mean you can't do other work, but in your marketing at least I would try a campaign for decks, later one for bathrooms, etc.

- Judge Julie - 04-08-2014 07:55 PM

I like it - but it doesn't tell me that I'm a special class - senior citizen discount - civil servant - but the thing that strikes me is how you explain your Permit - which is a legal document required by the local government to START a project - WRONG - its a way to have the work approved and documented as safe (electrical/plumbing, etc) Inspections are a vital part of any construction. That the work done is to code, and passes - so that insurance companies cannot disavow your damage claims. or in the case of Garage/Room housing unit - tear it down. Whatever. What you can do is ask your (call them back) clients for referrals.When you get a job - make notes of the work you are going to do - but keep an eye out for other opportunities or services. (Motto - if you are happy with my work tell your friends, if you are not - tell me) Start offering a low cost service - special each month - make sure it a lower price than others are charging for the same - for example: Summer - AC cleaning - winter - Heater inspection. Its nice to be a jack of all trades, but you should highlight one as an year round intro. Best of luck to you!

- petiterecess871 - 04-08-2014 08:01 PM

The website is fine. Dont change a thing. Just invent a little resource or a little cash into a low level SEO and social media capaign to bring you new visitors and customers from your local area. Once you have people coming to your website you can start selling more and grow your ad spend. We help many construction companies so I know a lot about this one

- Nicole - 04-08-2014 08:02 PM

You should work on increasing your brand awareness. It is a little time consuming when you go to their house, instead develop your office and establish a good reputation. You can start by making your office more pleasing, but spoke loud about your brand. By adding custom floor mats in your entrance your prospect clients will get into your office because it will create a good impression on them. A custom mat such as the ones from can captivate clients to have business with you. If they will have a positive experience with you, they will recommend you to their friends or business associates.

- jamie - 04-08-2014 08:05 PM

Do some good keyword research and start creating content for your website that can then rank for those keywords.

Select keywords that your customers are likely to be typing in to Google to search for the product or service you provide.

Here is a video I done about a really powerful piece of software that can help you out with your keyword research:

Once you've got your keywords scraped in the software, run the competition analysis to find out which ones are easiest to rank for afterwards.

Good luck.