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no internet connection through utorrent / no peering? - Printable Version

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no internet connection through utorrent / no peering? - NOT - 04-08-2014 07:50 PM

I can connect to the internet perfectly fine, great connection, even when i'm running utorrent. Where there would usually be ads in utorrent, it shows the page you would get on internet explorer with no internet access. When i try to download something, regardless of what it is, 1000 people seeding, i cant find peers. I've tried removing the .dat.old files. I've tried installing a previous version. I've tried completely turning off my firewall. I've tried disabling DHT & UPnP's. I've tried to use different torrent clients. I just want to be able to download stuff from torrent sites, and i cant even connect to peers. please help
The only type of security i have on my computer is Windows deffender.
Tumbleweed_biff. I put I've tried completely turning off my firewall. I'm not so irresponsible that i would leave it off. This is a new computer I am using, it had Norton anit-virus on it, i removed Norton because i think its as bad as mcafee. I have two internet connections at my house, one i've had for years, and the other i've had for a couple weeks. Either one i use i can't connect to peers. So it is not malware and it is not a problem with my internet service provider. It is a problem with my computer i just don't know what.

- tumbleweed_biff - 04-08-2014 07:53 PM

You have turned off your firewall and are running only Windows Defender. You are almost certainly compromised by malware.

As far as your peer to peer issue, it sounds like maybe your ISP is blocking such activity.

Guide to virus removal:

Consumer Reports has the following ratings:
Best 4 Free:
Microsoft Security Essentials

Best Paid:
G Data Internet Security
ESet Smart Security 6
F-Secure International Security
Kaspersky Internet Securityu
Avira Internet Security

There are always other opinions and tests:,2817,2372364,00.asp

How to remove a virus -
I) The best solution is to back up your data and perform a factory restore. Install a reputable AV program after the restore and download the latest updates before restoring your data.

II) That not being practical for many, try either of the next two methods:
(Please note that it is important to use one of these two methods as you need to boot and scan knowing that no viruses are already in memory. If you try and install an AV product on a machine already infected then there is a decent chance that the virus will be able to hide/relocate from the scanner.)

1) On a clean computer, download 1 or more free bootable AV products. Five I know of are Avira, AVG, Avast, Kaspersky, and G Data.

(There is a handy product called sardu ( which will create a flash drive/Cd capable of having multiple AV products built into it. It isn't perfect yet, but it does do the job pretty well. I keep a copy on a flash drive for whenever I go to someone's house to help with computer problems and I have a number of other diagnostic tools included as well.)

2) Create the bootable media and include the latest virus definitions
3) Boot the infected/suspect computer by using the bootable media and run a full/complete/deep scan of the computer using preferably at least two different ones. No AV product gets them all, but 2 different products should find and remove just about anything.

B) second alternative method:
1) remove the hard drive from the infected computer
2) slave the drive to a clean computer which already has at least one AV product already installed with the most current definitions. You can do this by installing it into the case (for a desktop) or by putting the drive in an external drive case which you can get for the low teens $. These can be USB (get at least USB 2.0) or eSata - if the 2nd computer has an eSata connection.

3) From the clean machine, run a full/complete scan of the slaved hdd. The computer should already be booted when you connect the external drive, with the AV product already in residential memory(It will have an icon down next to the clock). Then open the AV and run it on the drive. In an ideal world, you should really use two different AV products.

III) If you are unable to do the above, then download and install an AV product and then run it at its deepest level scan. This is not the ideal method as many viruses can hide from AV products if they are already in memory and running before the AV sofware is executed. There are numerous free ones. I strongly recommend two different AV products and one Adware/Spyware product. For free AV, I would typically recommend Avira, AVG, or Avast as the installed resident (always running) AV solution and Malwarebytes as a secondary, on demand AV product which I run on a weekly basis. For Spyware and Adware, the two top performers there are AdAware and Spybot Search and Destroy (adaware is a product of lavasoft and produces Spybot Search and Destroy) Both offer a free and paid version. The free version is good, the paid version offers more bells and whistles, just like with the AV products.

Once the virus(es) is/are removed, change any and all passwords having to do with anything important like e-mail, financial-banking logins, etc. as those have probably been captured and sent to the author of the virus.