Twitist Forums question selling? - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: question selling? (/thread-133064.html) question selling? - donal o - 04-08-2014 07:51 PM

I put an item for sale on ebay and a few people bid on it and one guy won it but now he sent a message saying his friends was messing with his account and place a bid on it. I then sent him a message saying I was not impressed as to what happened but thank him for informing about what happened. If they do something like that the next time, make them pay for it! should I make the guy's friends pay for it ?

- Jen - 04-08-2014 07:55 PM

Basically you you need to open up an unpaid item case as this will be able to resolve the matter of the missing payment.

Every month eBay charge you a fee for everything you sell, not much but say something sold for £15 you need to pay a couple of quid towards it, so as he's not paid you will still need to pay the fee unless you open a case and it is ended as unpaid.

You can find this option in the drop down selection on the sold item under resolve a problem. You can ask the buyer to pay up or wait 5 days and close the case and you will not be expected to pay any fees. Also the buyer will have a strike against his name and after a certain amount of unpaid wins his account will be blocked. Monitoring a case is easy, it's just on the sold items tab and comes up at the top, on the fifth day you can close the case by clicking take action.

You can also report the buyer and block them from every bidding on your items again, this can also be found in the drop down selection on the sold item.

- b - 04-08-2014 08:00 PM

how can you make the guys friend pay for it? you can't

Just re list and give him negative feed back