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Coding my own website? - Printable Version

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Coding my own website? - Brendan - 04-08-2014 07:52 PM

Should i do it? Whats a good free domain website and stuff.

- Techno - 04-08-2014 07:55 PM

The essential steps are required for making a website:
1. Get Your Domain Name
2. Choose a Web Host and Sign Up for an Account
3. Designing your Web Pages
4. Testing Your Website
5. Collecting Credit Card Information, Making Money
6. Getting Your Site Noticed

- sona - 04-08-2014 07:59 PM

I luvvvv
im in accelerated yr 8 so u can trust me
im a pretty nerdy girly girl
other sites suck!!!
bbtw I luv postng

- Defiant - 04-08-2014 08:08 PM

Should you do it? It is a question you should ask yourself and not others. If you're really new into the world of programming you will have a lot to learn, but it will be fun. The only recommendation I can give you is, please please don't use free stuffs. It will have a lot of limitations and there are so many features unavailable on a free service. So you better goto some website hosting service provider(I use, register and contact their support. They will be able to help you on getting the most suited plan for you at the most affordable prices.

- David - 04-08-2014 08:13 PM

Hi Brendan,

My name is David the owner of Smartienet a web hosting business in Melbourne. I can offer you a .com domain for $13.40 AUD and free hosting for 1 month.

We'll setup Wordpress for you to get you started if you like - If interested or if you have any further questions please email

- ecelticdoc - 04-08-2014 08:20 PM

This is a very Important part .You can get a free subdomain but not a free domain

- PokerPlayer - 04-08-2014 08:23 PM

Depends on what the domain is about. If its just your personal site to put whatever you want, sure do it yourself if you can.

- rowlfe - 04-08-2014 08:29 PM

You can get a free domain name at (or you could use the free host recommended at the site). The webs site requires that you use a button on each page that directs people to webs to get a free page, with no other advertising. You have to use their file uploader and there is no FTP without upgrading to a premium account.

Here is a link to what I did in a matter of minutes.

Domain: ""

Which redirects to a sub-domain of at:

Using either link should take you to the same place, an example of a web page that I built when I was teaching HTML to a small group of people to show them how to do just what you are asking.

Edit: Yes, I know, the page has a layout error. The calendar in the upper left corner pushes the page title to the right. It should be centered. This is an intentional error used in the class I used to teach as an illustration and a problem for the people in the class to solve. If you right click on the page, you should have an option somewhere in your browser to "view page code" where you can save the page to your hard disk. Then you can look over the page HTML to see how the page is constructed. All of the widgets I used are free that I gathered here and there such as the IP information below the sun clock map. Another thought occurred to me, go to and type "HTML tutorial" into the search box. You will find a wealth of tools to help you.