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How many ofyou have created website using wordpress. how much do you all earn. type your url address.? - Printable Version

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How many ofyou have created website using wordpress. how much do you all earn. type your url address.? - Vinayak - 04-08-2014 07:52 PM

- HoovR - 04-08-2014 07:56 PM

Why would I give you this information?

- marcus - 04-08-2014 08:01 PM

I think I just answered the exact same question from you, but I'll post it again here. My brand new membership site (built with WordPress) made $7115 in 5 days, but those are exceptional results.

Like I mentioned previously, the most important thing is your market and product. If people want what you're selling and they can afford to buy it, you can build your site with Joomla, standard HTML, WordPress, whatever, it really doesn't matter.