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+--- Thread: DID THE F.B.I BLOCKED MY BROWSER? (/thread-133172.html)

DID THE F.B.I BLOCKED MY BROWSER? - Calvin - 04-08-2014 07:53 PM

Ok so I was on Internet safari and suddenly a website came up that said "ATTENTION!
Your browser has been blocked up for safety reasons listed below.
All activities of this computer have been recorded.
All your files are encrypted." And mI so scared! We had a lot of family over and probbably they messed with the computer and watched porn to make this happen to me. I'm so scared pls help. Will the f.b.i come to my house!? I'm honestly so scared.
Something else that said was "You are accused of viewing/storage and/or dissemination of banned pornography (child pornography/zoophilia/rape etc). You have violated World Declaration on non-proliferation of child pornography. You are accused of committing the crime envisaged by Article 161 of United States of America criminal law." I'm so scared. The IP address also came up and it didn't match with the one in my ipad. Will I get arrested? I'm so scared.

- Zarn - 04-08-2014 07:54 PM

It's scareware. Particularly if you've been asked to pay a fine or something to get it to go away.