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Should I reactivate facebook to talk to this girl? - Printable Version

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Should I reactivate facebook to talk to this girl? - Captain Clutch - 04-08-2014 07:54 PM

I’m a university student about to graduate wondering if I should get facebook back in the hopes of trying to get the attention of girl I like. I’ve deactivated facebook since September due to feeling down about myself as I often felt left out if I saw pictures of a group of friends hanging out or saw a convo involving friends who were hanging out. I also felt I wasted a lot of time creeping others profiles and seeing what they were doing and feel better about myself without facebook. The cons are maybe I miss out on some things between friends or can’t creep people’s profiles but I’ve wasted a lot less time and been able to focus on me now.

However I’ve struggled to ask out a girl I’m crushing on. I’d like to speak with her but I’m scared she dosen't really want to talk and is just being nice on the occasions I have the guts to talk to her. I’ve actually been good with asking girls out in the past and telling them how gorgeous I think they are to flatter them but I can’t muster a few words to this girl at times. We had a graduation ball last week and I was able to buy her a drink and talk but I didn’t think that was good timing to ask her out because we were both drunk.

My friends think I should reactivate facebook so I can add her and start a convo by asking about the ball but I see some issues. I hate having text/fb convos with people I don’t know too well because I can’t read their emotion so I can’t tell if they’re bored. Since it’s already been a week, would it be too late to bring up the ball? I don’t plan on asking her out on facebook, that is something I would always leave face-to-face because I can show my sensitive emotions and true feelings and I feel that is my strength in getting the numbers of girls like I have in the past. I worry facebook might distract me from other aspects of life and me feeling worse about who I am.

I feel better about myself now and my relationship with friends. Despite that, I can’t help but feel some jealousy when I see someone go somewhere I wish I could go through their photos or accomplish something that I haven’t come close to accomplishing by posting on their status. All things considered, should I get facebook back to chat with her or just hope I can bump into the girl and talk to her then about the night and eventually ask her out?
should I bring up the ball we went to?

- Captain Clutch - 04-08-2014 08:01 PM

Reactivate it! I think it would really help you! I know exactly what you mean with the whole jealousy and self esteem thing. If you don't want to bore her, don't talk to her everyday.

- Shubham - 04-08-2014 08:10 PM

Don't activate your account.
Facebook is good for nothing instead of asking this question on fb you should gain up some confidence and talk to her.
Facebook is a fake world and you live in real world so avoid fb as much u can.
Life would be so much better it you don't reactivate this mark zuckerberg shi..t.
saying frankly i had wasted my 5 year there that's other thing i learned up many thing from there(from post on pages and group) and if you are activating it then don't waste up time in viewing other people profile instead you should join some pages/group to gain some knowledge.

Advice - girl are just meant for distraction it would be good if you avoid girl and concentrate on your career or gaining some sort of knowledge in field which are interested in.