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Website Launched 3 Months Ago, Only 2 Sales? - Printable Version

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Website Launched 3 Months Ago, Only 2 Sales? - Diddygonewild - 04-08-2014 07:54 PM

I started an educational training website, I'm an engineer and I developed a training video series for engineering software we use. The product is a digital download for $37 and very high quality but very reasonably priced. My site gets about 20 visitors per day, I am planning to increase this but everybody told me to test conversions first. I offer a free beginner training video series in exchange for their email then email market to them. I have a 6% conversion rate for my opt in, and have about 100 people on my list and am sending 1 email per week with tips and tricks then 1 sales email per month. I have only had 2 customers Sad, should I be concerned? My list is growing fast, but everyone says to focus on growing your list. 2 customers out of 100 people on a list sounds bad to me.

Thanks for your advice!

- Loplipop - 04-08-2014 08:01 PM

You need to do some marketing promotion and SEO. Patience is very important.

- Jake - 04-08-2014 08:02 PM

If seen higher email opt in rates for perhaps more enticing products. It's common for split testing to make the difference in profit instead of loss in an ecommerce site.

Maintain the list you may get more subscribers eventually signing up. Offering a low cost entry level can be help to get one step further commitment, perhaps a $1 trial.