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i need help with INSTRAGRAM? question? - Printable Version

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i need help with INSTRAGRAM? question? - Questioner - 04-08-2014 07:54 PM

On instagram, I tried to delete one of my photos but i pressed delete like 10 times and it still wouldn't delete. I restarted the app, reinstalled the app, used a different phone but it still didn't work. So then, I tried to report my own photo as spam (which was a stupid idea), and my photo then turned grey. Everytime i go on instragram on mobile and online, the photo shows up as grey, and I can't delete it. When I click on the photo it says that I need to refresh the photo, which I've done and it still doesn't work. However, I noticed that people could still like the photo and people who spammed me with likes have liked that photo. So how can I delete this photo?
I can't delete photos on statigram or through any other websites online. ):

- Kody - 04-08-2014 07:57 PM

That's the stupid shit about social media my friend. I'm so sorry, but if you can't delete thr photo manually, it WON'T go away :/

- Zach T - 04-08-2014 08:06 PM

Try deleting the photo on Instagram online such as the links below