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How to Set Up an Online Shop in China? - Printable Version

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How to Set Up an Online Shop in China? - Edy S - 04-08-2014 07:54 PM

I want to setup an online shop in China, but I'm a noob even when it comes to doing that in an English speaking country that doesn't censor things like basic Google services (maybe it doesn't censor them per se, but they're useless here due to lack of use, i.e., there is virtually no good information on Google Analytics about China).

Now I know that I can just make a website in the language, and then people can see it in China (unless the government hates me for some reason), but I want to be able to the Chinese equivalent of Google Analytics and other services that would normally be employed for effective set up and marketing of an online store in the West.

Places like Shopify and FreeWebStore are great for making online stores, but they aren't made with China in mind, since China has it's own set of everything due to the government censoring a lot of stuff. They're only compatible with western tools.

Anyone know a good starting point for efficiently setting up the equivalent website with the same marketing potential as what we're used to, but in China?

I really appreciate any help you can give me!

Thanks in advance,

- Alice - 04-08-2014 07:56 PM

Chinese people like to buy things inTaobao... surely, is welcomed by people too.

- Nathan - 04-08-2014 07:59 PM