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Am I out of line for asking him to delete his facebook account? - Printable Version

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Am I out of line for asking him to delete his facebook account? - Molly - 04-08-2014 07:55 PM

My boyfriend and I had been together for two years when his excessive and inappropriate facebook use began to destroy our relationship. From the female friend requests, chatting with girls, and spending time checking his account while we were on got really crazy. We finally broke up and he began dating one of his "facebook" friends immediately. Fast forward two months later and he wants to get back together, and work it out. Problem is I cant get over his online infidelities, i'm constantly paranoid about his facebook lady friends since he slept with one of them the day we broke up.
Is it wrong of me to ask him to delete his account? He deleted multiple girls to prove that he's for real...but I just dont think it's enough. I want him to get rid of it if he wants to be serious with me. Am I out of line?
*He does not talk to or even know most of these girls personally...he meets them and speaks to them on facebook only...they arent even his real friends? I understand having facebook to keep in touch with ACTUAL friends and family...but it seems alot of guys are using it like a friend and like girls pictures....if he never had facebook at all, he never would have communicated with the girl he cheated with. Sad

- Allison - 04-08-2014 07:58 PM

The fact you're considering asking him to delete the account should be enough of an answer to you in my opinion. But the thing is, I would've wanted more detail about what was said in those conversations. If girls are adding him, that's not really his fault. I think the fact you're checking constantly is bad for both of you because if you trusted him, you wouldn't even be on "Facebook Patrol." This whole situation boils down to trust. If you feel he's a changed man, not after women, and is going to respect you, do you want him back in your life?

- Tatiana - 04-08-2014 08:01 PM

Nope he does not need a facebook .your not out of line at all

- kawaii - 04-08-2014 08:02 PM

People say that its being controlling when you ask to delete someones facebook account.

but honestly if its gotten to this point, I think youre quite alright for asking him to do so.

I think if hes really into fixing your relationship, it shouldn't be a problem for him to quit facebook. and honestly if he wants friendship with those girls, why doesn't he just talk to them in person?

Facebook seems to be causing a lot of problems nowadays, but I wonder if its just bringing out the temptations men see in other women (& vise versa).

I don't think youre out of line. but I also don't think anybody needs to be in a relationship like this.

- Vertigo - 04-08-2014 08:03 PM

Perhaps not. Truth is though that once a cheat, always a cheat. I would not take this person back.

- contemporarysage - 04-08-2014 08:04 PM

You are out of line, dishonest, and blind. You are seeing things that aren't there when you convince yourself you like him. In truth, you don't like him or trust him, you shouldn't have gotten back together with him, and his particular style of life and relationships clashes irreconcilably with yours. Don't try to beat him into changing, accept who he is, move on, and find someone who will inspire you to feel secure. You don't even have to be mad at him, people just are how they are and this one doesn't work for you. Find someone who can have a million hot girls on their facebook, and still keep you comfortable that you are the one he always chooses above them all. If it doesn't feel like that, it's not right.