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Why does internet........? - Printable Version

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Why does internet........? - skootch - 04-08-2014 07:55 PM

While I am using my laptop I keep getting a window notice saying that the connection has stopped working.

This message comes every couple of minutes and I have to wait till the connection starts again.

Why is this happening ?

- St N - 04-08-2014 07:55 PM

There may be a problem with your router or wifi connection. If you are the only person in your house having the problem and only on your laptop, it may be a problem with the ethernet cable from your laptop or with the wifi anntena in the laptop.

Try a different machine to see if the problem persists. If it persists, then the problem is outside your control and you need to contact your ISP.

- Grayson M - 04-08-2014 08:01 PM

Unplug the power cable and "internet" cable connected to your router. Leave them unconnected.. (Make sure your router is off because some have batteries)

Wait about 6 minutes and plug the two back in. Connect to the internet

If that problem persists, troubleshoot with the company that made the router.

- Schwarz - 04-08-2014 08:04 PM

I concur what St N said, check your router or wifi connection.