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Where can I get a completely free domain name? - Printable Version

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Where can I get a completely free domain name? - Lucas - 04-08-2014 07:57 PM

When I say domain name, I mean a one suffix domain name (e.g. .info, .com). Not a sub-domain (e.g.

As the question clearly says, I am looking to get a domain name, free of charge. I've been looking for days now, and all I can find are things like and, which despite everyone else's praise and reviews, do not work(for me). On, it told me that I had entered my registration code wrong every single time. I tried copy pasting, typing it directly, etc. and it just kept saying that. On freenom, it told me that the host name that it automatically filled in for me was "not a valid hostname"..

Sorry for the rant, if that qualifies as one.

Anyway, I am clearly very frustrated with this frantic search, and would really like some answers. So please, if anyone has any idea on how I could get a FREE domain name (.info, .tk, whatever.) I will be very grateful if you would share.

Thank you all very much in advance!
No offense, guys, but when I said "free" I wasn't joking.. :/
Sorry, Franco, but I didn't ask for an explanation on what hostname means, nor did I ask which domain names cost money. I just need a free domain name. So could someone please post something that's actually even minimally relevant to my question?
I also clearly said that I don't care what suffix it has, and I never even mentioned that I wanted a .com, as I am NOT AN IDIOT. Please, people, answer my question or go away.

- Julius - 04-08-2014 07:59 PM

A address will cost about £5 per year which is good for a TLD.

- navneet - 04-08-2014 08:05 PM is good domain site

- Themba - 04-08-2014 08:15 PM

You can check below link

- Thy - 04-08-2014 08:21 PM lists several domain suffixes, some of which you are already familiar with. These websites you mention (tk, freenom) do work for me, so double check you aren't blocking some JavaScript, or refresh the page to get another captcha or something.
Other than that, free domains are quite hard to find I reckon as domains nowadays are generally treated as an (business) asset or commodity.