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How to stop feeling depressed? - Printable Version

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How to stop feeling depressed? - Fort Lauderdale guy - 04-08-2014 07:59 PM

I just turned 18, but feel depressed all the time about girls. I am a pretty introvert guy at first which gets hard at times and it just brings me down. I feel out of place often and just get stressed out. I try to open up and act extrovert but just feel out of place. I work and breathe with all extroverts and am bad with meeting other girls. I work at a college cafeteria on the weekends (still in high school, senior) and like this one girl at another high school shes going there next year but I have never met her before I see her all over social media but I went to school with her sister but barely knew her either. I don't know why I feel so attracted to her and she seems fairly extrovert and a big into partying. I want to talk to her but i would feel socially awkward and online would feel like a creep. I am going to a different college but we will be in the same town so it's just hard cause I like my job but know I will have to quit because it will kill me every time I see her. I try to forget and move on and focus on my own life but sometimes it just gets hard. Just looking for some suggestions because I really want to move on from this.

- Nikki - 04-08-2014 08:02 PM

Don't stress too much about it!I'm very extroverted and also a big into partying and most of the time I find introvert guys quite cute/sweet and I want to get closer to them to get them out of their shell.Also talking online is not as creepy as some might think.Nowadays many people meet through twitter or Facebook and develop a relationship so online chatting could also be an option.If you are just decided into moving on I suggest you get your mind off love and attraction and focus on work,studies or friends.A good Friday night with your friends always work to get out mind off that girl.Revising and motivating yourself into getting better grades to build your future also works.Also , you just turned 18!Now it's the time to enjoy new experiences and not get all of you attention onto that girl unless you are planning to make a move on her so just enjoy your life, you are going to be young only once!Smile Hoped it helped.