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How do you get twitter followers? - Printable Version

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How do you get twitter followers? - Jimuel - 04-08-2014 08:00 PM

I know twitter is pretty old but I just decided to open an account today and don't have any idea on how to get followers. Can someone help me and give me a shoutout or somethin' Smile thanks in advanced

- Anilsha - 04-08-2014 08:05 PM

You can get followers if you post funny or interesting tweets and become active with many other tweeters, well known and not so known.

- Nancy - 04-08-2014 08:12 PM

Getting real followers takes time and effort. You need to tweet every day and the tweets must be interesting to everyone. Use hashtags also. Tell all your friends that you are now on Twitter and give them your handle so they can follow you. You can also link your Twitter to your Facebook so those friends see what you tweet.

This doesn't happen overnight. If you do the work, you will get followers.

- Smith - 04-08-2014 08:12 PM

Try SEO/Social media experts they can let you know exactly how to improve followers.

- Logan Richardson - 04-08-2014 08:19 PM

Do what I did if your motivated.
>Go to a big twitter account with a big fanbase (EA/Adam sandler/ etc)
>Go to their followers
>Type some BS like "Hey I noticed you "insert something about who they follow (AdamSandler)"
>Press enter to send tweet

I did it to get followers for Gears of War recognition when I was trying to get bigger on youtube. Ended up with 200+ followers in 2 weeks just by tweeting people who followed "Epic Games" and "Gears of War" lol.