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Computer crashed, help!? - Printable Version

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Computer crashed, help!? - Christina - 10-15-2012 08:40 PM

Last night I was watching movies on netflix and my computer crashed suddenly. It came up with a blue screen, a loud buzzing noise, and a message on the blue screen that said something about dumping my physical memory. My fiance said my graphics card overheated. Once the computer cooled down and I went to open it back up, every site I go to shows up white... (below is a link to a picture to explain what I mean by this)

I would really like to know if there's any way to fix this, it's like that on literally EVERY web page I go on, facebook, yahoo, ect; other than that, my computer seems to be running fine, no viruses or anything, no lagging or glitching, no further crashes. I'm also don't play games with my computer, if anyone is wondering (that's about the only info I can find online when I type in computer crash, it's so annoying). Do I have to get an entirely new graphics card? Is my fiance just totally wrong and that's not the problem at all? Am I SOL?

Please respond ASAP, I don't really like using my computer right now, I'm worried I'm going to mess it up further and I am the most technologically retarded person I know and can't afford to get it fixed if something goes really wrong with it, and I need it for school.
NEVER MIND!!! I finally fixed it,

Control Panel--Recovery--Troubleshooting--Appearance and Personalization--Aero

Ran the troubleshoot under "Aero" and it identified and fixed the problem within about 4 seconds.

I feel smart, I done a computerator thang! By mahseff!

- Parffit - 10-15-2012 08:49 PM

Your computer might be suffering from different problems to improve its performance you should:

- Scan your computer with an antivirus
- Apply De-fragmentation on your system
- Delete all temporary files
- Run disc clean up

Specially De-frag your registry, Because sometimes in removing any program from the system would remove essential files from it, that's why your system start freezing after sometime, use Reginout registry manager to get rid of these problems.

- Naol Bekele - 10-15-2012 08:49 PM

good job.nicely done.excellent.