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Truthfully, do you feel you are "special", deserve special treatment, or are "a legend in your own mind"? - Printable Version

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Truthfully, do you feel you are "special", deserve special treatment, or are "a legend in your own mind"? - My Bebepet - 04-08-2014 08:01 PM

Do you act like the menial tasks at your job, or inconveniences like following traffic laws are below you? Are you outraged when other people don't seem to believe you are anything special? Do you feel you have special "powers" that others don't have, such as mental telepathy, psychic abilities, you're a medium, etc.? Do you see yourself as being a legend or celebrity of some kind in your social circles, work, school, or online forums? Honestly. How many of you are THAT type?

It seems like this place is overrun with these kinds of people. That's why I ask.
Deathgod, you are the exact type I'm talking about. Geez.
I also fought off plenty of bullies for others in school. I do not consider myself special.

- faithfulwealth243 - 04-08-2014 08:11 PM

Not really. But I do feel that I should have accomplished more by this point.

- Deathgod7421 - 04-08-2014 08:16 PM

what you mean like a f**ing superhero? you've got to be kidding me
no i personally think myself superior to others but thats because of the things i been through and done

tell me as a child do you think you where capable of holding your own against 5 fully grown adults?
where you able to lift 200 pounds at age 12?
where you trained in unarmed hand to hand combat ever?(let alone at age f**ing 6 like i was)
are you able to handle handguns,smgs,shotguns,assault rifles or received any training on basic mantiance handling and firing of said weapons?
were you able to not only hold your own in a unarmed fight with 3 guys at once (one of them being a fully trained black belt) and win?
were you able to break a cinder block with your bare hands/bare feet(i did using an "axe kick" and a "hammer fist" some techniques my sensei taught me)

yea all these thats a been their done that kinda deal for me just let me know if you find any people who have done even one of the above and tell me if that doesnt make for one strong dude

i am a bit of a hero(a real one not some magic flying unicorn f*** pretending to be asuperhero) among a few people but no no a guy who talked a girl out of committing suicide long enough for her to find out she was pregnant(and talked several other people out of committing suicide as well) nooo that doesnt sound like a hero at all
a guy who fought several bullies in highschool and middleschool in defense of others yeaaa what a total d***chbag am i right?
seriously if you didnt have the b@lls to stand up and do what was right dont take out your jealousy and self hate on others that did seriously grow up

i do not consider myself above working like a good citizen should but i hate if people try to use my skills for something that i was not meant for im going into security but just because i took a few odd jobs in the past(janitor and office work) apperently even with all my training i am not meant to be a security guard/police/military/bodyguard(all very good choices for people with my skill set)

dont go reading my file history and thinking
"oooh you heavily trained and experinced in combat! but you've also worked as an office worker! your a box boy(manual labor but box boy is basically what they said) that sound like a good job?"

my opinion F*** that thats not what i was raised to do any idiot can do that i have specific skills that they dont want to use and i think its just to insult me

im not the exact type you talk about i dont consider myself to be some sort of superpowered freak i just know i have better training and experience then others do so i can do certain things better then others

and i dont expect any special treatment i just expect that others to understand i will put them in their damn place if they try to act like some big shot when they havent really done anything

"and you think just fighting off a few easily predictable amatuer fighters like bullies is anything
what about the rest?
tell me as a child do you think you where capable of holding your own against 5 fully grown adults?
where you able to lift 200 pounds at age 12?
where you trained in unarmed hand to hand combat ever?(let alone at age f**ing 6 like i was)
are you able to handle handguns,smgs,shotguns,assault rifles or received any training on basic mantiance handling and firing of said weapons?
were you able to not only hold your own in a unarmed fight with 3 guys at once (one of them being a fully trained black belt) and win?
were you able to break a cinder block with your bare hands/bare feet(i did using an "axe kick" and a "hammer fist" some techniques my sensei taught me)"

where you able to hold your own against 5 fully grown adults at age 9?
or been able to beat a blackbelt while two other guys backed him up?

i am not tryingto portray myself as some sort of superman im just making it clear i was and still am a damn strong fighter
stop acting all high an mighty because you want to be put on the same level as someone whos done more training then you take a martial arts class join a gym join the military do something better yourself and stop trying to put yourself off as an equal to anyone whos put in more work then you

- Mabe - 04-08-2014 08:23 PM

Well, yeah, I do. I know that I am one of a kind. No one else can be who I am. I can not be who anyone else is either. So, only you know how special you feel about that. I do think we are all unique, and have a special significance that is good that we own, and can share with other's, if that is how we want to do so. I also know that I can not make anyone else feel special about who they are, only they know how they feel about it.

- Flibberdy Jibbets - 04-08-2014 08:24 PM

According to me, I'm nothing special. According to my boyfriend, I am something special, but I've never been good at accepting compliments...

- So Tired - 04-08-2014 08:32 PM

I'm a bit too self-rightous at times, yes.

I'll find arguments all over the internet, and use persuasive techniques, formality, maturity, wit and neutrality/indifference to look morally superior, whether I intend to or not.

If I get into an argument with someone online I usually am the one who remains almost completely calm at all times, while the other person uses over-aggressive curse language and insults, again making me look morally superior.

Oftentimes I will be the one who is fair and neutral, presenting all sides of an argument but also adding my opinion. I am rarely biased nor do I target specific groups of people, but of course I still from time to time might show some sort of "keyboard warrior" status.

But of course I don't feel I deserve special treatment, not at all. And I don't know whether what I say about my self is true or not, this all depends really.