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Can you advertise a iOS app on Facebook with out using the Facebook API? - Printable Version

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Can you advertise a iOS app on Facebook with out using the Facebook API? - adapa_the_elucid - 04-08-2014 08:03 PM

I want to know if you can advertise a Facebook app with out adding there API to my application. I want to use my current 3rd party tracker to track conversions instead of adding 10 different API's witch has worked out great for me so far. But then I decided that I want to advertise on Facebook as well but I don't want to have to add another API. From the looks of it I think it is possable but I want to be more sure and maybe get some feedback or something to watch out for when attempting to do this.

- Visualfeast869 - 04-08-2014 08:11 PM

It is possible; here's the method: