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Am I being penalized concerning SEO for hosting on blogger? - Printable Version

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Am I being penalized concerning SEO for hosting on blogger? - Timothy O - 04-08-2014 08:05 PM

I'm not looking to find out if blogger is better than wordpress or visa versa. I have my domain name registered with Go Daddy and I have a blog hosted on blogger. Does this hurt me alot with SEO? I guess what I'm really asking is does Google recognize this as a seperately hosted site or is still considered a subdomain of blogspot. From what I understand being a subdomain hurts me a lot.

- Ketusoftware - 04-08-2014 08:13 PM

As much as i know sub domains are considered as sub directories in Google. search for "are sub domain have bad impact on seo?" on google and you will definitely get the answer to your question. hope this helps

- Neil - 04-08-2014 08:14 PM

The only way to get good seo is to have a self-hosted Wordpress blog. Host your domain name with someone like Hostgator which includes the Wordpress script within their hosting control panel. Start with a basic hosting package and then upgrade when you need more space or bandwidth allocation.

The free services for Blogger & Wordpress are useless for seo.

- Vikram - 04-08-2014 08:23 PM

as per my knowledge it will not consider as sub domain, however i do have a blog hosted on blogger with custom domain registered in GoDaddy but i am not getting ranking for that but i am not doing seo either on my site.