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My friend? Help? And anal questions? - Hayden - 10-15-2012 08:42 PM

Okay so first of all im 16 and closest gay. I have two main questions which are quite lengthy. The first is about anal. Now I have been told that anal hurts a lot and you can bleed and it will hurt when you go to the toilet etc. But my main concern is I was told once that it gets stretch that shit can just like fall out hahah, now this sounds like bullshit, but Im just wondering? And how do you clean yourself for anal? I would imagine he doesn't want **** on his dick. And last thing on this topic, bum hole hair ? It is sooo annoying what can I do about it?

Second question is about a guy I like. His hands linger when I give him stuff, we text, talk on facebook at school everyday. I catch him staring at me, his facebook says hes gay and hes like a facebook page saying "being gay" but he just replied "wtf" when I asked. Soo what do you think? And failing this, how can I talk deeper with him? How can I advance to more deeper conversations not just basic stuff at school and stuff?

Thanks in advance I know its a long question ! Smile

- Wael - 10-15-2012 08:50 PM

My advice, you are still young and have your whole life infront of you, maybe you can change to straight and have a normal family with children. You can get cured from this. In our country it is a taboo to be gay and there are ways to cure from this. Goodluck!

- William - 10-15-2012 08:50 PM

Anal does hurt at first but it's isn't so bad once you get used to it in order to turn your ass inside out you would have to put something almost as big as a watermelon in your butt. Which I wouldn't recommend anyways. Always start off riding the penis first. It hurts less when you are on control.

As far as of he likes you or not, it sounds like e does but unfortunately I don't have the operation of his mind. You should just ask him.

- GQ - 10-15-2012 08:50 PM

Well your question its self is not really long but the answer I give most likely will. I guess I'll start with you started with which is anal sex. Now what you have heard is "somewhat" true. What I mean part of what you heard can be true if you don't know what your doing and the other part is only in extreme cases. Bleeding I have heard of happening but only when the sex is extremely rough. It really is so rough it goes beyond rough. And in this cases surgery is possible needed. But again this is only happens in extreme cases. This not a worry in average or even (normal) rough sex. As for your anus stretching to the point it loses control of your BM again this is only in extreme cases. If you have to much anal sex the anal cavity can break down. To much of anything is never good. And again an extreme case. There is way to prevent this though. If you kegal everyday this will never happen. This is basically tightening and relaxing your anus. Do this for 90 seconds three times a day and you will never have to worry about becoming lose.

On to preparing for anal sex. Now you will see me use some terms but just so you understand; bottom is the one that is being penetrated and the top is the that penetrates. Now on ward. First off the bottom should of ha a "moment" on the day he is going to bottom. Don't ever eat be for anal sex. You should wait at least a few hours before hand. Eating right before makes it uncomfortable for everyone. As for cleaning the bottom should use an enema before anal sex. Normally at with in an hour or less. The enema should be used to rinse out his "insides". Just take some warm water or use a store bought enema. Place in jump and down for a few seconds and release into the toilet. Repeat three times. Also the bottom and top should shower before hand. As for hair. Shave is generally your best bet. You will have to use a mirror to see back there but it can be done.

Now lets talk about pain and anal sex. Yes that can happen even more so for first timers. But if you know what you your doing pain can be lowered to really none during anal sex. First off lube is your best friend for this. Generally a water or silicone base lube is best for anal sex. And lots of it . You can use to much lube but that can be wiped off. Also during anal sex before one bottoms both partners should be fully hard. This helps the body prepare for sex in general. Also this cases your prostate glands to increase in size. The prostate glands being rubbed during anal sex is what cases pleasure for the bottom for anal sex. So if it size is bigger of course the pleasure from it will be more. Also to prevent pain the bottom should be relaxed. Sometimes a warm up with fingers helps reduce pain for first time bottom. Starting with one finger and then progressing until three is being used. Then comes times for the actually sex. Again the bottom should relax. And don't focus on any pain. If you focus your thoughts some where else the pain fades and the pleasure stays. And the top should go slow for the first time bottom. One position that helps to reduce pain is for the bottom to be on his back. Or the top lay on his back and the bottom rides his penis. This allows the bottom to control how fast and deep things go.

At last I can to the last part of your question if your still reading. What about this guy. Well it sounds like he quite possible gay. It might seem odd to him thought that you brought up stuff he liked on his Facebook page. Also he might be comfortable talking about it. Yes I know if thats the case he should not be posting it on Facebook but some don't think like that. As for if he like you that quite hard to tell at this stage. Sound like you relation is quite basic and from that it is hard to tell if he likes you. Would I would do is find ways to hang out with him more. Like talk to more about things in general. Get to know him better and spend more time with him casually as friends. Then let things progress and see where they go. Don't make any bold move but if does respond to them. But you can casually drop hints here and there you like him. Anyways I hope have help and that my answer wasn't to long.