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Is their any ways I can promote my online boutique for free? - Printable Version

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Is their any ways I can promote my online boutique for free? - Ashley Reed - 04-08-2014 08:06 PM

So I just recently started an online boutique. I sell jewelry and accessories. But I'm really having a hard time getting people to visit the website. I was wondering do you guys have any ideas on I can attract more customers.
The link to my website is below:
You also have to sign up on order to view the products. (don't ask me why that's just how the website is) I would really appreciate any GOOD advice and I would also like you guys to visit my site and tell your friends about it.

- Jake - 04-08-2014 08:08 PM

You may be getting the short end of the stick in this affiliate store deal, who gets the email contact information logging in requires? Some marketers will spend $5 to acquire a new name on their email list, knowing they will make it back in months marketing to subscribers. If someone else is getting the email, (who's sign up form is hurting your sales), they are not facilitating your marketing process but taking advantage of it from the start, and will probably steal those prospects you got to sign up in the future. Again when marketers set up a store using paid advertising, having a sales page with optimal conversion is essential, that log in window is serious detriment to people even doing light window shopping. I am not taking much time to discuss building up search engine ranking for free traffic, because the subdomain to a store very similar to a bunch of others is going to be too hard to get the search engines' respect. has some 330,000 pages, imagine how many stores that represents, if you all have the same photos and product descriptions it's just impossible to get your one store to stand out in the search engines.

Ideally you would be building up a business that would earn money more easily as you developed a following of loyal repeat customers, many stores will break even or even lose money on the first sale to a newly acquired customer, but will profit from repeat sales down the road.
I recommend you start a more independent store site with at least your own official domain name that costs about $12 a year, the search engine ranking of such a property will increase over time as you continue to promote it, you can transfer that address to a different better host down the road if you were successful.
Jewelry is a fiercely competitive business saturated with way too many unremarkable sites, to make any significant money you would have to be in charge of your own stand out business. Try searching for "Jewelry dropshipper" to find ways to sell without having to maintain an inventory.

- quietmonth126 - 04-08-2014 08:11 PM

the best way to get your site visited would be to reach out to bloggers (fashion/jewelry bloggers in your case) to promote your site or products on your site by publishing interesting and relevant blogs linking back to your site.

I can .help you achieve due to my experience as a blogger in reaching out to fellow bloggers and editors looking for products to promote.

If you wish to contact me , please visit

- kyle - 04-08-2014 08:18 PM

You will need to generate visitors using advertising and backlinks. You can buy Adwords or create a blog to post content that people will read.