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Where can I find a list of the number of web hosting companies in each state? - Printable Version

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Where can I find a list of the number of web hosting companies in each state? - Lauren - 04-08-2014 08:07 PM

I don't need the names of the companies just the number in each state. Preferably from a reliable source.

- plutonic - 04-08-2014 08:14 PM

You do realize that one of the primary realities about the internet is that location does not matter. It is just as easy to download a site from Iceland as it is one from New York.

The reason I stated that is because it begs the question "What do you mean by web hosting company"? Do you mean the corporate headquarters? Do you mean where their research facilities are? Or where their largest server farms are? How can I say where Monster is? or Facebook? or Google?

If you notice, more and more companies are going out of their way to obfuscate their exact location by either giving you a toll free number to call (if you are lucky) or a web form to contact them. This even filters down to sellers on Ebay where users will give their location as "United States".instead of, say, Piscataway, NJ which is really where they are.

Having typed all the above, I don't have the slightest idea where to start to answer your question. Sorry!

Edit: Adding to the ambiguity of all this is the fact that these "web host" companies almost certainly buy, sell, and trade server space among themselves and from the big cloud kahunas. Apple's cloud space for instance, is hosted on Microsoft and Amazon servers.