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Copy an image to my website? - Printable Version

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Copy an image to my website? - Kyriakos - 04-08-2014 08:07 PM

Hello guys, i own a website that writes reviews about movies that get to post a picture in each post. I was searching in all the internet but nobody could give me a clear solution on what should i do to be legal. I just want to post the cover picture of the movie, which the companies create so its like i am advertising them for free. I know that there are copyrights but the thing i don't get, is how all this sites got the same picture and still is illegal. Do i need to contact the companies and ask for their permission ? and if its that how do i do it.

Thanks in advance.

- M - 04-08-2014 08:12 PM

Most copyright laws only apply when you try to make $ somehow from their creations. If you are just reviewing movies, you should'nt have anything to worry about.

- Jake - 04-08-2014 08:17 PM

I'm guessing it would not land you in court, unlike grabbing images from other sites that are paying stock photo suppliers a license fee to display them.

I don't know that major sites like IMDB have any special arrangements with the studios, generally reviews are seen as free publicity. IF there was an offense you likely would first get a cease and desist warning asking for content to be taken down.