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How can i get a top rank by Search engine optimization? - Printable Version

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How can i get a top rank by Search engine optimization? - Omar Farid - 04-08-2014 08:08 PM

Which process is best?
1. link building
2. blog comment posting

- Seo - 04-08-2014 08:17 PM

Search engine optimization is one of the marketing process for online site advertising. There is many ways for online marketing in seo field- link building,blog post,forum post and so on. One of the best process is social link building like facebook and twitter.

I suggest you

For ranking you need all of these seo task. But social link building can increased visitor.
thank you.

- Jake - 04-08-2014 08:21 PM

2 & 3 = 1

A general rule, the harder a link is to get, the more it tends to be worth. Blog and forum links are some of the easiest to get, search engines know they are commonly generated by spam bots as well, at least getting links from relevant sites that people are likely to actually click will provide more benefit.

In all likelyhood SEO will just raise the ranking of a site a few places up from what it naturally deserves, you still need better content than the competition to be sure to get top position.

- Mark - 04-08-2014 08:23 PM

Hi Omar.

SEO will only be effective if you learn to do all of it. Just building a few links won't really do a lot if you don't get everything else in order.

Also, forum posting and blog commenting are both ways of link building.

None the less, here is a breif outline of what you need to do:

Firstly, you will need to learn all of the basics.

Good SEO will start with some keyword research, use the Google keyword tool for this. Try to find relevant keywords with reasonable traffic levels. The more specific the keywords are the better chance you have of converting any resulting traffic.

Next, do all of your on-page stuff. This includes page titles, meta descriptions etc... There's a lot to cover but most of it should be common sense (and anything that feels 'dodgy' probably is).

Here is a full guide too all of the basics:

Once you have your on-page stuff sorted you can start to doing some link building.

Of the things you suggested, forum posting and blog commenting can work well, but don't do it just for the links. When you start out you should view these as ways to build your brand and get your name out there.

Guest posting is also a good way to build links. This will help your rankings and if you do it well it will build your reputation. Think of it as the online version of PR. Try to guest post only on high quality, relevant blogs.

You will also want to work on building some social media following aswell. You can often do well by tying this into your guest posting. You need to be patient and always focus on offering value to your readership.

With a lot of hard work and the right mentality, traffic will come, eventually.

- Deepak - 04-08-2014 08:26 PM

The most important is On-page SEO and for that you have to go through Keyword research. I have many sites ranking 1st, 2nd, 3rd without any backlinks and just maintained a good on-page SEO. You can use a system provided by this website go through the review and use this. I am loving it.

- Mr Dani - 04-08-2014 08:35 PM

You need to focus all areas for best SEO results like :
- Social bookmarking
- Directory submission
- Blog comments
- SE submission
- Guest posting
these are some top ways to get best results with your SEO efforts.

- Smith - 04-08-2014 08:45 PM

Blog commenting and forum posting are just two particular ways of link building. I think you should learn more about SEO before tacking action. Following things are what I think are important:

(1) keyword research. You need to find high-searched but low-competition keywords.
(2) On-page SEO. This is a very important factor which many webmasters overlook.
(3) Back link building. You should learn how to build back links effectively and safely.

You won't get any obvious results until you understand and do well on above three parts.