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what is the best way to get unpaid traffic to my website I have tried everything, blogging, social media? - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: what is the best way to get unpaid traffic to my website I have tried everything, blogging, social media? (/thread-133959.html)

what is the best way to get unpaid traffic to my website I have tried everything, blogging, social media? - Georgie - 04-08-2014 08:08 PM

- Jake - 04-08-2014 08:14 PM

Search engines have the biggest potential, though something like an ecommerce site that just has catalog pages may not be judged by search engines to be very useful, original quality text content, perhaps how to articles added to an ecommerce site can help get search ranking, at least for the article pages, which would be a click away from the main site.

Here's a Search Engine Optimization guide by an SEO authority, teaching the more legit ways to boost your ranking.

Search ranking is very competitive, examine the sites that rank better than yours for a desirable keyword, compare their overall quality, page count and backlinks compared to your site. is one example of a backlink reporting tool, some links are 100x more valuable than others, don't expect some wholesale produced robot spam links to do much for ranking.

- robert m - 04-08-2014 08:22 PM

If your content is good then it can just take time. Use google analytics to understand how people use your site and see if you can make improvements. Make sure all your SEO work is working to your benefit, can you get to PR1 on search engines?

- Thomas - 04-08-2014 08:24 PM

Have you tried Google indexing???

- bull - 04-08-2014 08:31 PM

The different ways of getting unpaid traffic are practising the different techniques of on-page optimization and off-page optimization which include:
On-page optimization
1. Navigation should be easy.
2. Proper site architecture
3. Fast uploading of the site.
4. Submission of Sitemaps.

Off-page optimization all the methods practised by you. The most important thing is the content of your site should be both unique, fresh and should have a good quality. It may take time to get the traffic so please keep patience.

- Rob - 04-08-2014 08:40 PM

just use the originall and fresh content.Don't copy the content..and update the content twice a week to get good traffic without spending money..

- AY Webtech - 04-08-2014 08:42 PM

Just use originall and fresh content.Don 'T copy content .. and updates twice a week to get good traffic at no cost