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If you deactivated your forum account and then started a new one could you be found as the same person? - Printable Version

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If you deactivated your forum account and then started a new one could you be found as the same person? - jamie - 04-08-2014 08:08 PM

Ok I'm selling on a forum I'm not supposed to, and I may get found out and blocked if I wait any longer as it will be super suspicious, so if I deactivate my account and start a new one would anyone notice? By ip etc?

- dewcoons - 04-08-2014 08:09 PM

Depends on how closely they monitor the site. They CAN tell who you are by IP and by MAC address (a number build into your network card which can not changed like an IP address). Whether they WILL tell who you are is another issue. Unless you cause trouble, they may not have an reason to look at your new account and see if it should be banned. Or they might be the kind who monitor every connect all the time, in which case they will caught you in 5 minutes.

- Apexy - 04-08-2014 08:11 PM

I just simply wouldn't suggest doing it in the first place, if you do it you risk greatly getting both accounts banned.