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Should I get Instagram or Twitter? - Printable Version

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Should I get Instagram or Twitter? - Rose - 04-08-2014 08:09 PM

So i'm a 17 year old girl, I have Facebook at the moment but i kinda wanna get something else aha. a lot of my friends either have twitter or insta. I like the idea of insta but i can get kinda...sensitive? I guess, like if i posted a picture and someone was like EW YOUR SO UGLY unfortunately its in my nature to take it to heart. Then again, the same could happen on twitter...I dunno! Which do you think I should get? Big Grin

- Phantomcircle545 - 04-08-2014 08:13 PM

Why don't you get both?

- Boing - 04-08-2014 08:23 PM

I say get both and as for the Instagram pix just focus on taking pictures of things that dont include selfies. And when you get more confidence then you can take some of yourself and see how it goes.

And dont worry about girls/boys tihknig you are ugly. Although you are 17 girl i assure you as you get older you will find that A LOT of boys will think you are hot (girls tend to undervalue their attractiveness). And as for other girls making fun of your looks -- in more cases than not it is because they are jealous and insecure about their looks compared to you (they think you're hotter).

- anup kumar - 04-08-2014 08:32 PM

get'll be more fun

- Shivansh Kohli - 04-08-2014 08:33 PM

i suggest not to make an account on any one of them. pay attention towords your studies as your are school going girl.. These things will destroy your courier.

- Boss - 04-08-2014 08:37 PM

Twitter because you can talk to people more.

- Thomas - 04-08-2014 08:38 PM
