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Should I have Instagram? - Printable Version

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Should I have Instagram? - Elina - 04-08-2014 08:10 PM

I feel like my mom wants to keep me isolated (about social networks) currently don't have FB,twitter,etc...
I wanna have insta and I promise not to post my personal photos there,but I'm just afraid to ask mom.
The reason that I want to have insta account is because nearly everyone I know has an account.
HELP ME PLEASE!don't know what should I do.
(I'm 13)
And make sure that I won't make an account without mom's permission.

- charu - 04-08-2014 08:14 PM

Make it but don't let your mom know. Tell your friends to zip up about this thing and moreover socializing is good. I really didn't get why your mom is isolating you.

- Micah - 04-08-2014 08:21 PM

Jesus, everyone you know has an account? You need a smartphone to post on instagram, does that mean most 13 year olds out there all have an iphone? My first phone was a little crappy nokia, that is ridiculous. No 13 year old needs an iphone let alone instagram.

You want it, but you're not going to post personal photos? That's the whole point of instagram. It's pointless and annoying when people just post photos that aren't theirs. Not to mention the plagiarism implications that go along with that.

I remember what it was like when I was 13 and wanted a bebo because all my friends had one. I look back and realize how ridiculous that was. You don't have to have everything your friends do to fit in. The older I got the more I realized how great it felt to march to the beat of your own drum.

You're still really young, and you can look at instagram photos online anyway. I'm glad that I didn't get actively involved in social media till I was 15. Even then it was pretty pointless actually. I look back at some of the things I posted and I cringe.

It sounds like you haven't even asked your mom so you can give it a go I guess. Don't be in any rush to get on the social media train, it can lead to all sorts of problems especially when you're still so young. I'd start with Facebook before instagram if you're really that desperate. The legal age to join Facebook is 13 and you'll probably find it far more useful/entertaining. You can keep up with friends easier and play games. Pitch the Facebook idea to your mom first, and keep your account private if you get one. Save the instagram thing till you're older, wiser and more independent - you'll actually have things to post.

- dina - 04-08-2014 08:25 PM

Get an instagram!! I've had one since I was 10 and have had no problems. Make your account private so that if someone wants to follow you, you can decide if you want them to or not. If your account is private then strangers can't see your post.

- Ally - 04-08-2014 08:28 PM

i have deleted mine recently as everyone is now in kik. i have given up with keeping up with trend