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im worried my friend is lying about her life? - Printable Version

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im worried my friend is lying about her life? - Priscilla P - 04-08-2014 08:10 PM

im 21. I have a best friend and we have sleepovers every week. I can trust her with anything. she is kind and responsible and hard working. she is creative and loves video games and writing stories. the thing is me and her are like sisters, attached at the hip. i always hear about her other best friends but i have never once met them or seen a picture of them. she doesnt have a facebook but apparently neither do any of the 5 of them. supposedly they come over randomly often without telling her but i once lived with her and her family for about 6 months while we were taking a lot of classes together but never once did they randomly "pop over". ive even messed around with her phone and decided to look at her contacts and not one of them exist in her texts or contacts. only her family members aunts ect. and me and a couple of our other friends. same with her emails. she says they talk everyday over text and email but there isnt a single email or contact with any of these supposed people. not in the trash or sent box either. and when i get serious about meeting her other friends she once even told me "Oh you might not even be able to meet this or that person because they might joing the army"??!! wtf? am i an idiot. anyways this has been going on for years. she also has this gaming website she runs with these friends but ive never seen it. i go along with it whenever she brings them up but its worrying. i know shes lonely. i just wish she wouldnt lie to me. why is she doing this?
okay friends look through each others phones. or atleast our group does. and if we dont like it we let each other know. i have nothing to hide so i dont care. i simply looked through her phones contacts. shes done the same with mine when i ask her to call a friend on my phone or something. and i was using her computer and she always keeps her email up. i didnt hack her account or anything. while on the other hand she has hacked my facebook to read my facebook messages. but thats another story.
but you are right. it was not nice of me to snoop anyhow. and i think you misunderstood. im not talking about her family. i was saying that she keeps telling me about her other best friends that i have never met or seen or anything through out our whole friendship.

- JanetM - 04-08-2014 08:13 PM

First of all, when you mess with someone's phone like that, it's no better than someone lying. Actually it's worse. A friend wouldn't do something like that. If you care about someone, you'd be a little more open minded and not so quick to make accusations. Did you consider there's a reason your friend doesn't want to talk about her family. It's unlikely it's just lying, and you shouldn't look at it that way. Maybe have a friendly talk with her to ask if there's a reason she doesn't seem to like talking about her family. And if it appears she still doesn't want to talk about it, then drop it. Just tell her if she ever wants to talk about it, you're there for her. Otherwise let it go and respect her privacy. Almost guaranteed there's a good reason she doesn't want to talk about. It's sad that you are angry and accusing rather than considering it's something she doesn't want to talk about.