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Why does everybody think that people are getting sick of John Cena? - Printable Version

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Why does everybody think that people are getting sick of John Cena? - UTKARSH - 04-08-2014 08:11 PM

The WWE creative staff is not stupid. If people were sick of Cena, they would've put him in an under-card category. Social media and people who actually attend live events constitute only 7% of the total fan base of the company. 90% of the other 93% are Cena fans plus the a considerable minority in the 7%. People say that WWE has become a kids' show since it went PG and people like Cena are responsible for it. The only thing 'PG' has done is removing excessive blood and nudity/semi-nudity. The rest is just the wrestlers' own discretion. When legends like Eddie Guerrero and Test die due to 'extreme' stuff by stress and injuries, management as a whole thinks to reduce the extreme stuff and preserve wrestling-entertainment and not defame it. You guys still wouldn't get the adult stuff if WWE was TV-14 today,
And Cena haters give the reason that "he can't wrestle. He can't fight."
You don't know that because he never actually wrestled or went to MMA. Nobody actually wrestles. Firstly, wrestling doesn't include punching and kicking and hitting people with's just two people pushing each other to the ground (If that were the case, Khali would be the greatest wrestler in WWE).
Even professional sites don't do their research and openly state that Cena is being resented by fans. This minority can think that Cena is being "shoved" down their throats for the rest of their lives. WWE wouldn't lose the 93% for the 7%. And yeah...the same story goes with D-Bryan..just the other way. That's why they don't promote him to the top. Hijacking live events and spoiling everybody's experience is your ONLY choice.
The statistics aren't bogus and I dare you to tell me otherwise.

- Dave Hytmen - 04-08-2014 08:11 PM

John Cena can put on Five Star matches depending on who he's in the ring with, Shawn Michaels and CM Punk to name two. But sadly John Cena doesn't have anywhere to go left, he's just floating in WWE; he doesn't need another Championship. There aren't many Storylines left that you can do with John Cena... John Cena is better then Randy Orton because John Cena can lose, have it matter and has lost when it matters. Randy Orton has lost twice, once to Kofi Kingston and again to Daniel Bryan; yet both where instantly buried.

John Cena has been adding new Maneuvers in his matches, unlike Randy Orton who is doing the exact same thing (Little To Nothing) as he was in 2008/2009 because Randy Orton likes 'The Viper' Character and doesn't want to change or Adjust.

John Cena is great inside the ring, simple depends on who he is in the ring with.

John Cena isn't the issue, Randy Orton and WWE is the issue; John Cena is fine not being in the spotlight as shown with last weeks Monday Night RAW! Where he refused to be on the show because CM Punk left.

Let me prove people wrong that disagree with me:
John Cena Vs JBL: Judgement Day 2005
John Cena Vs Shawn Michaels: April 23, 2007
John Cena Vs CM Punk: Night Of Champions 2012
John Cena Vs CM Punk: Feb 25, 2013

- Rocky Daye - 04-08-2014 08:13 PM

Interesting write up. Interesting statistics as well even though I think i will research that to see for myself but for now i will take your word for it. You did leave out an important aspect when talking about this subject though and that is the demographic of his fan base.

Realistically, if people are really sick of Cena then they will just stop giving him the strong reactions that he is used to and that goes to the Cena Sucks group that attends these live shows

- Mark - 04-08-2014 08:15 PM

I'm getting sick of John Cena because he's not going to face The Undertaker at WrestleMania 30 for the f*cking streak. A John Cena vs. Bray Wyatt feud would be a waste of time with no belt on the line ever since their not holding any championships right now. I'm tired of John Cena not having a feud with The Undertaker.