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How Can you Update Stories on Asianfanfics? - Printable Version

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How Can you Update Stories on Asianfanfics? - S. - 04-08-2014 08:11 PM

So I'm currently working on an applyfic, which means that every time I make an update, I'd like my subscribers to see I've updated, and also for my story to appear as newly updated so that potential readers can see it.

However, even when I've completely changed the source code of my story and added new links, nothing happens. My subscribers aren't notified that I've updated, and my story doesn't show up under the 'recent stories' section. I don't know why, as other fics will show up as new updates even if they make minor changes in the chapter.

Do I have to add a new chapter for my story to be considered 'updated'? I feel like that isn't right, since, as I've mentioned, some authors can make minor changes to their chapters and it already shows up as updated in my subscribers feed.

D: Any suggestions?

- Brittney - 04-08-2014 08:14 PM

I've been using AFF for a couple years now, and it's never been seen as 'updated' when I just add things into a chapter that's already posted. It's happened to some people, but I'm assuming it was a glitch. If you want your readers to be notified, you can always post a 'fake chapter' and delete it a few seconds later.