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How to tell if someone likes you? - Printable Version

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How to tell if someone likes you? - Fanta - 04-08-2014 08:11 PM

this person makes me really frustrated because i like the person a lot, but i'm unsure about their feelings. we aren't exactly friends with each other, but we talk sometimes in class. the main reason why we arent friends is because i get really nervous and awkward easily, i don't have a lot of friends as it is.

the reason why i started to like this person is because they actually want my attention. most people don't, and this person always calls my name. i'd like to think that it's because the person likes me, but it could just be that the person is just nice. the person is kind of popular though, so i don't see why they'd want to grab the attention of someone like me. the person doesn't do this to any other people in the class.

the person tried to help me in class one time. i couldn't seem to put my project together and the person tried to help. i had someone else help me before and i think the person was kind of jealous of the other person. the person took the project from me and forced me to let them help me when i insisted it was okay. the person seemed a bit upset when they couldn't do it either and got upset when i went to someone else for help.

the person compliments me, but not me personally. sometimes they will compliment me on how good i am at my writing skills or how good my project looks. it's never really a compliment about me personally though.

the person knows that i am very awkward (they said it to my face, and it stung lmao). but for some reason the person keeps talking to me thinking i'll start up conversation. when i do talk to them, it's about something stupid like social media or food, and the conversation doesn't last long. why would someone keep wanting to talk to someone as boring and lame as me? no clue tbh.

***by the way, no i have never actually seen the person stare at me, because i don't really like looking at the people i like. weird, i know. the reason why i don't look at people i like is because im scared that if i do they will see me looking so i just hide the urge to look. so i don't really know if they look at me so please don't say that, haha! but i will say whenever we talk, the person holds uncomfortable eye contact with me, and i'm always the one who turns away.

- Violentpocket546 - 04-08-2014 08:15 PM

you can if the person wants to spend a lot of time with you.