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Can I Set Up Two Modems? - Printable Version

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Can I Set Up Two Modems? - john - 04-08-2014 08:12 PM

Here is the situation, I have a computer downstairs feeding off a wireless signal from a WAP and a modem. Those are both upstairs.

What I would like to do is connect my downstairs computer using an ethernet cable.

Is it possible? And if so what do I need?

Would I need to buy another modem and hook it up downstairs? Is it possible to set up two modems?
So basically I cannot run two modems? Okay. Looks like my best option is to run a booster aerial. Since I cannot run an ethernet cord through the house and do not want to buy another account or phone line.

Just for curiosity sake, what would happen if I hooked up another modem downstairs? Would it not work? Would it cause problems or get me in trouble with my service provider?

- Jimmy - 04-08-2014 08:19 PM

So, you have internet coming in, and it goes to the modem, the modem goes to WAP, does the modem or the WAP have extra empty slot for another LAN cable? If so, you can run a (long, long) cable from downstairs to upstairs.

- jegs - 04-08-2014 08:21 PM

You can't use two modems on one internet connection. You can run an ethernet cable from the modem/router to computer(s) or use wireless.

- relievedlunchroom786 - 04-08-2014 08:27 PM

You would only need another modem if you want to run another account. If you want to use existing account you need to run Ethernet cable downstairs to you PC, or extend you Wi-Fi with a booster aerial, to make the signal strength downstairs stronger.

- Belovedpolice856 - 04-08-2014 08:31 PM

You can't use more than one modem on the same internet provider.