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How to earn "Perserverance" (meteorite badge) in Khan Academy? - Printable Version

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How to earn "Perserverance" (meteorite badge) in Khan Academy? - Gonçalo Luz - 04-08-2014 08:12 PM

Explain me in other words, I don't understand what's the meaning of "proficient"

- graphicconception - 04-08-2014 08:22 PM

Here are some other words with similar meanings:

skilled, skilful, expert, accomplished, experienced, practised, trained, seasoned, well versed, adept, adroit, deft, dexterous, able, capable, competent, professional, effective, apt, handy, talented, gifted, masterly, consummate, master;

I am guessing, from your name, that you might speak Spanish? If so, this will help:



competente; (skillful) hábil