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My learning about SEO, help me!? - Printable Version

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My learning about SEO, help me!? - Pratheep - 04-08-2014 08:12 PM

I was learning about seo techniques from a professional seo trainer!

The first he started to teach me about seo is marketing techniques like posting ads!

When my friend heard about this.....he said dude..he is teaching you wrong! the first thing you have to learn about seo is
Introduction about search engines & directories and their differentiation, search terms (keywords) and ranking of website in search engine.

and he said, at last i should learn marketing techniques!

What do i do now? is my friend right about this?
is my learning is not sequential?

please help me about learning it sequential

- Nital - 04-08-2014 08:22 PM

Search engine optimization is the technique of getting traffic from verious serach engine and the process of improving visibility of your site
it has 2 main part in seo
On page and off page

- William - 04-08-2014 08:29 PM

Visit this Link. It will help you. It is a starter guide for SEO

- Aaliyah - 04-08-2014 08:32 PM

SEO is the process of getting the position of website or a web page in a Google search engine search result. For this we do 2 process off-page SEO and on-page SEO.

Firstly, if u start work on any website then first work on website on-page SEO (coding). Some things are important from SEO point of view.
SEO on page process- Mainly include 10 things (many more about in on-page but this is the maine things that is necessary for getting the website ranking and important for SEO)

Title tag
Meta tag
Meta description
use canonical tag for fixing the url
upload robot.txt file
H1,H2 tag
image alt tag
verify by Google analytics and bing analytics
include webmaster tag
upload sitemap.xml

After that we come on off-page process of SEO

SEO off page process- Mainly include 11 process

Search Engine Submission
Directory Submission
Bookmarking Submission
Classified Submission
Article submission
Blog Submission
PDF or PPT submission
Document Sharing
Vedio Submission
RSS submission
Image Sharing