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Rederecting url with router? - Printable Version

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Rederecting url with router? - Kristaps - 04-08-2014 08:15 PM

I have a wireless router, but I have only 1 pc. Our school uses e class, it's where teachers put our grades etc. What I want is that I edit all my bad grades with 'Inspect element', but I want to save it, and when my parents log on to e class thay, click diary(don't know if I wrote it right), they can see all grades, but I want is that when they click on my diary they get rederected to my made diary is it possible? I only need it for 1 PC!

- Fred - 04-08-2014 08:17 PM

No. Unless you won a web server of your own you can not. And you would need a router with suc service built in. In any case if you stopped wasting time cheating and got on with your work you might just get good grades. you do realise your parents are the least of your worries? If you continue being lazy and stupid those result eventually go on your record to future employers and you will end up cleaning toilets for the rest of your life in a minimal wage. With no chance of promotion as you will have been proved untrustworthy and unreliable. so you will never get the chance to vacuum a carpet in stead.

- michaelastasiak - 04-08-2014 08:19 PM

Are you asking a community of individuals to help you commit fraud? I'll pass. Do your homework.