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Tumblr not saving changes to my theme? - Printable Version

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Tumblr not saving changes to my theme? - katlyn - 04-08-2014 08:15 PM

like i click save and it dose the little save animation thing but when i click exit is says ‘exit without saving?’ even though i saved. im just trying to change my title and change my cornerimage. the last time i changed anything on my theme was last week and i had no problems with it saving any of the changes i've made and with the theme im using i don't need to go into the html to add pictures to by theme or anything like that so im not having a problem with code editing

my customizer looks like this before i make any changes

notice the save button says 'saved'

and this is what is looks like i've made changes and saved

now the save button no longer says 'saved' even though i pressed 'save'

i've heard to try refreshing the page then saving and that didn't work
i've tried the /customize-classic thing too and that didn't work either

this is the same theme i've been using for months and i've changed my title and cornerimage multiple times so i don't know why it just started giving me problems all of a sudden

- Violet Dawn - 04-08-2014 08:21 PM

This is exactly what is happening to me too and I have yet to find a solution. I believe it is a tumblr glitch but nobody else apart from us two seem to have this problem. I'll ask around and if this problem isn't fixed somehow by the end of the week I think I'll contact the administrators.

Please do tell me once yours is fine though! I'd love to know how you did it.

- Matthieu - 04-08-2014 08:30 PM

Same here.
My theme saved changes a few days ago, but today it just isn't working.
I hope that tumblr will resolve this problem fast.

- - 04-08-2014 08:39 PM

Try to verify the email adress if you don't verified yet!

- Cultured - 04-08-2014 08:42 PM

Unfortunately some themes are a bit buggy, I had this problem aswell until i switched themes all together