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Does a VPN allow you to stay anonymous on the internet? - Printable Version

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Does a VPN allow you to stay anonymous on the internet? - Hamza - 04-08-2014 08:16 PM

I got a copyright notice for using uTorrent, so if I use a VPN can they still get my location?
Or can i get away if I don't seed it? (Not in the sense of location but in the sense that Im not spreading it)

- Robert - 04-08-2014 08:21 PM

VPN is the way to go, unfortuately they can be pricey. Also I used to use uTorrent but after a while I began to doubt it was safe especially with some of the issues they have had. I moved to BitComet and I think it is a much better Torrent Client.

Good Luck and happy hunting.

- cdjp84 - 04-08-2014 08:30 PM

downloading any software is only illegal if you don't have purchased rights to it (via a prior digital purchase or a physical copy) if you have either of those your ISP can shove it up their ass because you have the right to obtain the software from anywhere. if you don't own them using a vpn won't help you, might keep your isp from blocking you for a while, but if they get pissed enough the call the feds, the fends trace the ip, find the pc you are using the vpn off of, trace it back to your ip and put you in federal lockdown for a while. so to avoid a shit ton of fines and possible jail time stop pirating software for a while

- Adra - 04-08-2014 08:32 PM

I highly recommend employing VPNPower to unblock web-sites. I have been with them since 4 years.