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What happens when you report someone on Twitter for spamming? - Printable Version

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What happens when you report someone on Twitter for spamming? - Rad Iz Cool - 04-08-2014 08:16 PM

There was this person on Twitter posting links to everyone. He doesn't usually do this, so I wonder if he got hacked or not? Anyway, the links he was posting seemed to lead to a site impersonating Twitter asking for your Twitter login info.

I sent him a tweet asking if he got hacked or not, and instead of replying he just posted more links to more people. I couldn't send him a PM as he wasn't following me, and I had no other method of contacting him.

Anyway, I reported his page for spam. I've never done this before, so when I noticed that his "follow" button turned to "blocked", I assumed I accidentally tapped "Block", and reported him for spam again. Oops. Just found out reporting someone for spam blocks that user. :/

So, my question is, what happens if you report someone on Twitter for spam? Will they know who reported them or even if someone reported them at all? Will Twitter come out and scan the situation? What if Twitter decides his links are harmless? Do they ban me? And what if they decide his links are in fact spam? What do they do to the spammer?

Sorry for all my questions. I've just never reported someone before and I'm scared I'll get banned for reporting an innocent, even though I honestly think they're spamming.

- Mary Anne - 04-08-2014 08:20 PM

probably nothing unless your report them several times. The eventually they may get banned