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how safe is the website - Printable Version

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how safe is the website - unspokenkarma - 04-08-2014 08:17 PM

- Ed Atun - 04-08-2014 08:21 PM

The website opened in 1995. That is usually good news. The site asks for your login information for your bank account. Here is their explanation of why they need it:

" Why does Plink need my login (username and password) information for my credit or debit card provider? We use your login credentials to establish a secure connection with your financial institution in order to automatically download your transaction information and match your purchases with offers you activated with Plink. Once a match is found, Plink automatically awards you."

That seems unusual. They could just ask for the wiring instructions to send you money. No reason they need to know your bank password.

But there are people who say online that they trust plink and have never been cheated.