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What is considered good click rate for banner ads for your traffic? - Printable Version

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What is considered good click rate for banner ads for your traffic? - Ainar - 04-08-2014 08:19 PM

My banner ads get 700 - 1200 raw impressions and 1 - 8 unique clicks a day. I'm just wondering is that optimal considering my impressions? What click rate would be considered decent, good, great? By the way it is an adult blog. Thanks.

- Anty Saju - 04-08-2014 08:24 PM

All depends from the site itself, positions of banners but mostly where the visitor are coming from. If from search engines than it shuld be better CTR. Usually good CTR is 1%-3%

- marcus - 04-08-2014 08:25 PM

That's pretty standard dude, so you're not doing bad. And my advice is not to worry about the averages. What you do need to worry about is testing your ad to get better results. First thing's first: change your images. Test different pictures until you see what works best. Then change the text, keep testing, testing, testing until you see what gets the best results. It's often the simplest tweaks that can make the biggest difference, so don't give up until you know for sure.