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How can I delete some of my pages on Facebook? - Printable Version

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- AJ x - 10-15-2012 08:53 PM

Profile>Info>'See all' in the pages section>Find the page you want to get rid of>Scroll down to the bottom and somewhere on the left hand side, it should say 'remove me from fans'. Good luck Smile

- Golden Ivy - 10-15-2012 08:53 PM

Click on the pages you don't want to be a fan of and then click "remove me from fans" at the bottom left side of the page.

- Shelley♥ - 10-15-2012 08:53 PM

Go to the page that you want to unfan. Keep scrolling to the bottom until all the description boxes on the left side end. Right below the very last description box link etc... there should be a link that says "Remove me from fans, click that.

- victoriousHunter892 - 10-15-2012 08:53 PM

I have the same problem, only, I'm a fan of 176 -.- I just noticed :L

Anyways, these are the steps.

1. Go to your profile
2. Click on info
3. Go down, until you find "pages"
4. Press on "See All"
5. Click on the one you want to delete
6. You will be taken to that page, and you have to scroll all the way down until it says "Remove Me From Fans" (this should be on top of "Share +"

That's about it. But it's really irritating and takes long if you have a lot of pages you want to delete. -.-

Good Luck Smile


I found a quicker way.

1. Go to your profile
2. Go to the bottom where you can see your friends and click on "see all"
3. Under "Lists", you will see friends and pages.
4. Click on pages
5. Find the ones you want to remove, and just click on "x"
