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How do you know if someone blocked you on Instagram? - Printable Version

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How do you know if someone blocked you on Instagram? - Mike - 04-08-2014 08:20 PM

Without trying to follow them? I have a suspicion one of my followers blocked me. She unfollowed me and now her comments on my photos don't show up. The pictures she posted where I was tagged I can't see either. Is that simply because she's private or because she blocked me?

- Autumn - 04-08-2014 08:29 PM

She might have blocked you she just deleted them. If she blocked you you wouldn't be able to see her page.

- Rusty Shackelford - 04-08-2014 08:31 PM

Does it really matter if someone on the internet blocked you?

If so, you have a REALLY over-inflated sense of self.

- russian1902 - 04-08-2014 08:38 PM

okay here is what you can do, this will work if she does not have approving followers by requests. Go to her instagram on a computer from a browser that you are not logged on to.
Then if you see pictures there, but don't see pictures while going on her page from your profile, then you are blocked.
If you dont see pictures either way (going on her page with and without being logged into instagram), then there is no way to tell if she is doing a request thing or she blocked you. At that point you can follow her to test it. But I guess you dont want to risk it.

- Abbas - 04-08-2014 08:46 PM

maybe she deleted her account have you ever think about it?

- Paisley - 04-08-2014 08:55 PM

There is a way to tell if someone blocked you. Only one that I know of. Go to their profile, look up at how many pictures they have posted. For example, right beside their profile picture it says the number of posts, the number of followers they have, and the amount of people they are following. For example, say it says they have 26 posts, then look down and where you would see their pictures and it would say "no posts" or something close to that. Basically you can see that they have posted pictures, but being blocked you cannot see them. If she's private, there will be a blue bar saying "follow" which you can click and then It will turn gray and say "requested" which means you have requested to follow them. If you have been blocked, it will be blue and say "follow" and as soon as you click it to follow them, instead of turning green and saying "following" it will switch back to "follow" meaning you are. It following them. Hope I helped!!

- Gabriela - 04-08-2014 09:02 PM

Another way of knowing is if you know their account name and it shows "no users"