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Question about using Craigslist? - Printable Version

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Question about using Craigslist? - Amberlynn - 04-08-2014 08:20 PM

If I respond to a post on Craigslist and the person emails back does it get sent to my email address that I use to log into my Craigslist account? I'm worried because I'm using it through my iPod which has a different email attached to it one that I share with my fiancé and I'm looking to buy him a gift. I don't want him reading any responses from potential sellers. I haven't used Craigslist to often so I'm not quite sure. The email address linked to my Craigslist account (the email I use to log in) is not the same email that is linked to my iPod that I share with fiancé. Just wanna make sure whoever emails me back that its going to my personal email linked to my Craigslist account and not the shared email account linked to the iPod I'm using.

- L. - 04-08-2014 08:26 PM

it goes to the email address that you used to email the craigslist person.

- Raj - 04-08-2014 08:32 PM

you can contact from any of your other email, no worries about that. But please be safe while transacting with anonymous persons in craigslist.