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What is is it spam? - Printable Version

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What is is it spam? - Alex Bueschleb - 04-08-2014 08:20 PM

I'm not sure why but every once in a while i get an email from saying that someone from my facebook has 'followed me'. What does this even mean though, i never use this wavo thing and i dont even remember signing up for it, but apparently a bunch of my friends are 'following' me
it has something to do with music though

- Joël - 04-08-2014 08:28 PM

i looked it up and it seems to be just another social media platform involving music. Maybe you signed up for it or someone else did (but then then have your Facebook credentials). This is not spam, and in many countries there is a law the says that there should be an 'unsubscirbe' button in the mail. So try that and otherwise just block the domain.