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Why did he message me? - Printable Version

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Why did he message me? - Samantha - 04-08-2014 08:23 PM

My ex and I got into this HUGE fight 2 months ago.
Where mean things were said on both sides and I thought he said he didn't want to be friends or whatever.
We didn't talk for 2 months.

I tried to talk to him a couple of times, but he never responded.
We play in the same soccer league on sundays, and 3 weeks ago, I saw him and tried talking to him but all he said was "sorry, can't talk"

I was blocked on Facebook.

Until today, when I messaged me on Facebook, saying "what did you want to talk to me about? I'm listening…." so I responded with "hi" and he goes "that's all you have to say?"
So we were kind of texting for a little bit but it's been like 3 hours since he has last responded

Why would he message me??
And then why would he not respond for 3+ hours??

- Ria - 04-08-2014 08:27 PM

He texted you because he manned up and realized he missed you ... I suggest not falling for him again because there's that possibility he just wants you as a f**k buddy , or if he really is a nice guy he misses you and realized he was wrong. Sorry I don't have a real answer ... I'm just starting out being able to try and understand Guys and that answer was just philosophical