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How can we stop advertising from ruining the internet? - Printable Version

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How can we stop advertising from ruining the internet? - Cocytus - 04-08-2014 08:23 PM

It's so bad and no one can do anything. Remember 10 years ago
90% percent of this junk wasn't there.

- Paul - 04-08-2014 08:28 PM

"AdBlock". Other than that, many services and websites exist solely to make money off of advertising. Some of it is more distracting than others for sure, but it is part of the internet ecosystem. It costs money to have a server and web content hosted. The only way to stop advertising all together would be to pay for every site you visit. To slow it down? Not really an option. Advertisers will do anything they can to put their product in front of your face, and some websites will do anything they can to make money (especially if they are a large company with many employees and shareholders). 10 years ago it wasn't as bad because not as many companies who would advertise had proper websites or hadn't realized the potential of online ads.

- Corey - 04-08-2014 08:33 PM

Get people to stop going on it. As long as there are 'potential customers' on the internet, ads will continue to exist everywhere.

Just so you know, video ads (which you already see everywhere) are only going to get worse because that is where everything is headed.

- john - 04-08-2014 08:34 PM

i don't think adverts are ruining the internet they are enhancing it IMHO.
Think of all the viral ads you see - aren't they amusing?

- Rick - 04-08-2014 08:41 PM

Hi Cocytus,
I"m not advertising right now but it"s a great opportunity for people to use to master a website, if they know what they're doing. If people want to master and get massive targeted traffic on a niche website they have to become an expert on those top sites in their niche. And be all over the place there. You can actually have only 5 other competitors when you have to compete against thousands on the same site. It's a no brainer for people that are generating long term evergreen traffic. But those ads do bother me. They're usually getting all the buyers. The advertising on the search engines and websites can actually give you a lot of information on targeting your buyers though. So the people that don't use the hate them but the people that know how to use them in their niche love them. Looks like they're not going anywhere for a while. I hate them until I start advertising. : )