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Why would people completely forget how & why talk radio became conservative in the 1990's? - Printable Version

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Why would people completely forget how & why talk radio became conservative in the 1990's? - Mother Hubbard - 04-08-2014 08:23 PM

Does it help you to accept the new corporate reality to simply forget?

- Quietvein587 - 04-08-2014 08:25 PM

Only cons couldn't afford satellite radio?

- The First Dragon - 04-08-2014 08:34 PM

I thought talk radio had always been predominantly conservative, at least within my lifetime. Similarly the TV media have always been liberal.
Maybe because conservatives are not hung up on appearances.

- RayHere - 04-08-2014 08:34 PM

I know with me it started in rental cars on my long drives to check out jobs around the country I use to listen to Rush he made sense to me but after I heard him say ''I will tell you what to think and what to say'' I stop listening to him but find other conservative talk stations

- electricpole - 04-08-2014 08:39 PM

Talk radio is Conservative because no Liberal Competitor has been able to break into the top 20 despite the HUGE commitment from Air America and others,
It's about money and rating equate to money, If Stalin could hold an audience he would have a prime time slot on a national network.

- Chris - 04-08-2014 08:46 PM

conservative-- and when I say "conservative" I mean the new definition of it, which is stupidity and vile hatred of that which is different (it used to mean something positive)-- is profitable.

It supports big business and degrades social change and says "screw the govt" which is a great sound bite to most idiots. All these factors contribute to bigger ratings and higher income for the big corporations.

television would also do this if they weren't held to a higher standard by the larger audience of American people. Make no mistake TV journalism is as conservative as it can be as it is also owned by the same corporations. Anytime a TV media entity says something that can be construed as liberal, its doing that despite a right-wing bias, not because of a left-wing bias.

MSNBC could change its agenda to the same as fox news overnight and have double if not quadruple ratings and all the executives would suddenly be filthy rich. But they don't because of journalist integrity...